Painting, Sketching & Enjoying Arts


A few years ago I went to Belgrade (Serbia) with family just to be there, visit some museums and see some art that my mother loved so much. While I was waiting for her to arrive, I made this small sketch of people inside the Schiphol airport.

Now in 2022 that would probably be outside but then there was plenty of space, no lines and time to sit down and sketch. Good old times but as a Dutch writer (Bomans) said: every time after a while becomes ‘good old times’.

My sweetest memories are visiting the National museum but I had no time there to make sketches. Another and much smaller museum was dedicated to Nikola Tesla. Just after the entrance there was a statue with his typical pose. Standing there and making a sketch, while a lot of visitors were moving around, was not really an option so I made a photo and made a sketch later in the apartment.

It was nice being in Belgrade. It is a city with  a lot of life in it. Just walking around without a goal was nice to do but I know the place well so ended up eventually in a bar high in the Belgrade castle looking over the two rivers coming together. Sitting there enjoying an ice-tea I made an other sketch of a young lady reading a book. Not staring at her mobile but just reading a book. Absolutely worth a sketch.



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Artfulness as a lifestyle

I created this blog to share my passion for art and keep my friends updated on my sketches and paintings. 

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