Angela Anaconda is a Canadian animated series centered around an 8-year-old girl named Angela. The animation style is distinctive, featuring flat characters with Angela having a black&white photo-realistic face. The show focuses on Angela’s adventures, particularly her competitive and often tense relationship with Nanette Manoir. Nanette is a girlish character, in stark contrast to Angela, who has more of a tomboyish personality. While Angela doesn’t always come out on top in their rivalry, she compensates through vivid ( and satisfying) daydreams in which Nanette experiences various unfortunate mishaps.
When the kids were young, we loved watching these movies together. Now, they feel quite old-fashioned, with their simple animation and nostalgic charm. Yet, the memories of those moments with the kids enjoying the cartoons remain incredibly sweet. Altogether, I thought Angela deserved a small sketch to capture those nice memories.