Painting, Sketching & Enjoying Arts

An exhibit

My first exhibit together with other colleague painters in a hospital in Heerenveen. All the paintings have been discussed by an art historian giving feedback in a very encouraging and honest way . You learn so much from the comments on  your own and others work.

As can be seen on this photo, the pictures are positioned quite high on the walls and that is intentional. This corridor is connected to the department of radiology and patients are often transported in beds. The beds may damage the works if they are placed at the usual eye-level. The positioning is not ideal but on the other hand the patients now may, just for a moment, not think about their MRI, CT scan or X-ray pictures but see something else. It gives me unexpected pleasure to know that I may have contributed to a brief moment of distraction on their way to recovery.

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Artfulness as a lifestyle

I created this blog to share my passion for art and keep my friends updated on my sketches and paintings. 

My Personal Favourites